by Amanda Jackson | Nov 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
Your Intuition Lesson 9 Making Decisions Balance the head and heart. A person may have good ideas but may also have feelings of fear and doubt that could keep them from moving ahead in life. They may want to do things well and be successful, but they also...
by Amanda Jackson | Nov 8, 2018 | Lesson 8, Online Subscription
Two Worlds at Once Lesson 8 The Soul and The Body An intelligent light. In the next lesson you will be learning more about yourself, your environment and your universe. Examine this chart we will use for reference. In the center is a symbol for the universal...
by Amanda Jackson | Nov 7, 2018 | Lesson 7, Online Subscription
Respect Your Sensitivity Lesson 7 On-Going Search Loyal to yourself first. We move in rhythms or cycles, even our body every 7 years has a complete renewal of the body. Similarly it takes 7 years to master a cycle or a state of consciousness. In the cycle from...
by Amanda Jackson | May 12, 2018 | Lesson 6, Online Subscription
Harmony Lesson 6 Involvement in Life Your spiritual power. As a soul you are composed of light patterns and energy waves that work in harmony with the universe. You have made your decision to become involved in life so that your knowledge will become wisdom for you...
by Amanda Jackson | Mar 5, 2018 | Lesson 5, Online Subscription
The Wayshower Lesson 5 Having the Right Timing Clear Direction When you understand that for every feeling you must have an interpretation and for every interpretation, a feeling, you move with direction. You know what you want and you have the feelings to put your...
by Amanda Jackson | Mar 2, 2018 | Lesson 4, Online Subscription
Navigating Clear Courses Lesson 4 The Importance of Respect in Society Self-respect is an important key to life on planet earth. The more you respect yourself, the more you will understand yourself and the easier your life will be. When you respect the unique...
by Amanda Jackson | Jan 24, 2018 | Lesson 3, Online Subscription
Foundation Lesson 3 The Intellect and the Feeling Find the bedrock. Each of us has two natures, intellect and feeling. There is a symbol we use to describe these natures, the top half of the circle represents the intellect and the lower half represents the feeling...
by Amanda Jackson | Jan 8, 2018 | Lesson 2, Online Subscription
Lines of Communication Lesson 2 Spiritual Communication Inner Guidance System Before coming to planet earth, we not only had a plan, and chose our parents and our team of spiritual helpers to back us in this venture, but we also came fully prepared to communicate in...
by Amanda Jackson | Oct 20, 2017 | Lesson 1, Online Subscription
A World of Experience Lesson 1 The Real You You are energy. Whether you realize it or not, there is something running that body. It has been described many ways: the soul, the remote observer, the life force, intelligent light, and countless others. Regardless of what...