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Intuition, Spirit Guides, Life Purpose: Inner Peace Mastery Online Class During a time of disturbing news and chaos, it is exciting to learn about yourself. Just like a bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because its trust is not in the branch, but in its own wings….Author unknown In this online class, you will learn […]



Discover Your New Spiritual Horizons Workshop – On-line


It’s time to experience the Real You; an eternal soul evolving through time. … the real you that knows who you are & what you’ve come to do in this lifetime. Yes, I want to attend An important Mastery Class everyone needs. Do you want to learn how to unfold your spiritual sensitivity? Are you […]


Intuition, Spirit Guides, & Life Purpose-Online


Intuition, Spirit Guides & Life Purpose We will cover: Your personal team of Angels and how they communicate Your Life Purpose and how your Angels assist you with it The bigger picture of life on planet Earth Your psychic/intuitive/empathic gifts (everyone has them!) and how to work with them for more happiness and fulfillment in […]

Intuition, Spirit Guides, & Life Purpose – Online-2


Intuition, Spirit Guides & Life Purpose We will cover: Your personal team of Angels and how they communicate Your Life Purpose and how your Angels assist you with it The bigger picture of life on planet Earth Your psychic/intuitive/empathic gifts (everyone has them!) and how to work with them for more happiness and fulfillment in […]

Concepts of Spiritual Healing

Eclectic Reikiology & Metaphysical Center 2760 Lake Sahara Dr. #106, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Discover how your attitudes and suffering have changed as you have grown spiritually. Learn about changes that occur physically and mentally as you move in and out of your niche in life. See how diseases such as lack of purpose, dogmatism, and skepticism affect you. Learn how you can heal these attitudes. Discover how you […]
