Concepts of Spiritual Healing

Concepts of Spiritual Healing

Discover how your attitudes and suffering have changed as you have grown spiritually. Learn about changes that occur physically and mentally as you move in and out of your niche in life. See how diseases such as lack of purpose, dogmatism, and skepticism affect you....
New Spiritual Horizons: The Real You

New Spiritual Horizons: The Real You

Interactive presentation on Discovering your New Spiritual Horizons: In this 90-minute presentation you will experience your magnetic energy, your aura and tune into your sensitivity of your first impressions.  Experience your reality of living in two worlds at one...
Free Community Presentation: Truthfully

Free Community Presentation: Truthfully

Community presentation on the truth of your beingness: The Real You. Active techniques for living life with purpose Awareness of the connection between all beings Keys for expansion of intuition Inner and outer communication Living in two worlds at One time: the...
Awaken to Your Intuition and Your Angels

Awaken to Your Intuition and Your Angels

During the class you will: Experience the power of your spiritual energy/aura Begin to understand your life purpose and how you can unfold it. Learn a technique that will help you immediately relax and be receptive to your Angels’ messages. Learn about your team of...