Embrace The Beauty And Power Of Your Spiritual Nature

a 3.5-hour intensive technique workshop

Sat, Jan 25th, 2:00 – 5:30pm EST

Investment – $45

If you are like most spiritual searchers, you have a pretty good understanding about a lot of stuff. Good, important stuff.

Yet, you still struggle to trust yourself and sail smoothly through your life without getting caught in situations that create stress & self-doubt. 

In this workshop, you will heal a lot of that stress and fill in the missing pieces.

We are going to take a realistic look at where you fit in with and your responsibilities to: 

  • Yourself

  • Your Spiritual Helpers

  • Your Loved Ones

  • Planet Earth

  • and the Universe.

Yes, I want to live my purpose

In this live 3 1/2-hour workshop you will learn and experience:

  • Techniques to buffer you from negativity and create deep instantaneous relaxation at any time.

  • Why you are here on Planet Earth, where you came from and how you attracted the environment and people in your life.

  • Raise your energy/aura to a 100% positive and relaxed vibration. Using this simple technique will instantly attune you to your Angels and the solutions they offer.

  • Techniques where you will experience your spiritual sensitivity, your healing touch and psychometry, using your Clairaudient first impressions.  Another technique is the Spiritual Cleansing of the aura. This will increase your protection from negativity.

  • Effectively use your Psychic Sensitivity to discern what is REALLY going on in your environment and how to re-direct negativity.

  • How to make your Life Purpose the inner reference point for making difficult decisions.

  • The power of being the authentic you; The Real You.

By the end of this workshop, you will create a profound sense of inner peace as THE REAL YOU blossoms. 

Enjoy sharing and interacting with like-minded people who respect your opinions and want to learn from your experiences.

North America

Embrace The Beauty And Power Of Your Spiritual Nature
Technique Workshop
Sat, Jan 25th,  2:00 – 5:30 pm EST

Investment – $45
Limited spaces available

  • 2 digit state code (all caps) for USA
  • Choose from one of the above dates and time