Two Day Spiritual Development Master Classes
January 15th -Day One 10 am – 4:00 pm
January 16th- Day Two 10 am – 5 pm
$199.00 (Value of $250.00)
Join International Spiritual Mentor, April Azzolino,, in this two day “live” course curriculum to awaken your spiritual life path, release old limiting concepts, arouse your spiritual psychic sensitivity, learn spiritual tools for everyday living, and truly embrace The Real Energetic You.
April Azzolino, Spiritual Educator/Consultant with Wayshowers College will lead you through these comprehensive workshops from Wayshowers College resource library. Where you will build your spiritual foundations, awaken your psychic senses, angels/ inner guidance, life purpose, 7 year cycles, and re-connect to the truth of who you are as a soul with a body.
Day 1-Part One: New Spiritual Horizons Presentation, Explore The Real You, a soul living in two worlds at once. Gain spiritual fundamentals as you learn spiritual symbols, spiritual gifts, spiritual guidance, cycles of life, sensing auras, experience energy techniques while sharing with others in a group setting. This 90 minute class will be the beginning of grounding you into the whole series.
(A one hour lunch break given before Part Two)
Day 1-Part Two: Dive deeper into healing the real you in this technique workshop Course NSH002 Discovering your own New Spiritual Horizons Course. You will become more secure in the vibration of you. Organizing your wisdom and what you have already pulled together for yourself. Find methods to magnetize your future, cleansing your aura, directing your energy and defining your loyalties. Gain an understanding of your feeling nature, balancing your conscious mind, in order to value the unique person you are this lifetime. 3.5 hours
Day One 10 am – 4:00 pm
Day Two 10 am – 5 pm
Day Two-Part Three: Course # 4092 The Real You: A Spiritual Being Course, regroup yourself by getting a broad picture of what being a spiritual being is for you. See how communication is the main key to your success in daily life. Gain direction in what you have come to do this lifetime. Unfold practical ways to use your spiritual knowledge. Experience techniques such as Intuitive Impressions, Love Feast, Word Therapy and so much more. Learn by sharing with others. 3 Hour Class
(A One hour Lunch Break is given at 1 pm before Part Four)
Day Two-Part Four: Course 3093 Inner Guidance: Your Team of Guardian Angels Course. Gain a basic understanding of what “Guardian Angels” are all about. Realize that semantics is often what blocks us with our relationship with our spiritual helpers. Feel secure with your spiritual experiences with your inner guidance. Clarify your mystical phenomena. Participate in techniques designed to help you unfold your true communication at a soul to soul level. Expand your perspective of the four spiritual psychic gifts..3 hour Class
Bonus: Receive a Course Certification from Course #4092 & 3093 in your email from Wayshowers College for attending and a Free Group Zoom Session Support will follow with April afterwards. Spiritual Study Groups available after attending both days.. A $250 value a investment of only $199.00
Bring a Sack Lunch if you wish. Register here; Early registration recommended;
No refunds on missed classes. Email April if need support,