Facilitators in Canada
Ginger Stair
Ginger@ggbrandmanagement.com | 804-512-1728 | Https://www.free2bfree.com
Wayshowers College Certified Spiritual Consultant and Instructor, Ordained Minister with Peace Community Church International, and serve on the board of non profits dedicated to spiritual leadership and education.
Ginger’s formal spiritual credentials include certifications and professional experience as an Angelic Medium, Angelic Practitioner, ThetaHealer, Master Life Coach, and Contracted Spiritual Educator.
Facilitators Bio
Ginger Garvey Stair advocates living in both the spiritual and physical worlds equally. Ginger’s consulting business Free2bFree combines spiritual counseling with business and life coaching to assist individuals in moving forward towards personal freedom. Ginger lives a freedom-based lifestyle allowing her to travel, teach and maintain her business responsibilities. Ginger currently serves on the board of directors of Wayshowers Community Fellowship (WCF). WCF focuses on understanding and respecting the innate wisdom and unique spiritual purpose of people living and growing on Planet Earth and seeks to expand spiritual freedom and unity in our communities, local, regional and globally – by understanding and respecting the diversity of our spiritual traditions.
Ginger’s formal spiritual credentials include certifications and professional experience as an Angelic Medium, Angelic Practitioner, ThetaHealer, Master Life Coach, and Contracted Spiritual Educator. Ginger also recently completed a multi-year seminary training and is an Ordained Minister of Peace Community Church International.
One-on-One Sessions Available
- 1001 Orientation Profile - Gifts and Guidance
- 7000 or 7004 Thrust Profile - Personal Thrust
- Deeper One-on-One Spiritual Profiles
Areas of Service
Most Facilitators are available world wide for remote one-on-one sessions and events.- Emporia, Virginia
United States - Austin, Texas
Colorado, Pennsylvania, Florida