Facilitators in Canada
Diana Ringo
diana@modernspiritualliving.com | (515)865-8776 | https://www.modernspiritualliving.com/
Wayshowers College Certified Spiritual Consultant and Instructor. Trance Healing Control
Diana enjoys helping people learn how to communicate with their angels. Her other passion working with young children and helping them be confident with their feelings.
Facilitators Bio
Helping people unlock their previous lifetimes and learn how they affect the current life is a special passion for Diana. She has thirty-five years’ experience with past life sessions. She also is adept at helping people communicate with their angels and trust their hunches.
Young adults are also important to her. She has an uncanny knack for helping young adults be secure with their innate spirituality and that it is "OK" to be different.
She has successfully implemented these insights in family, business situations, and during social events. These programs really work.
Diana looks forward to sharing with you the universal truths that have meant so much to her.
One-on-One Sessions Available
- 1001 Orientation Profile - Gifts and Guidance
- Deeper One-on-One Spiritual Profiles
Areas of Service
Most Facilitators are available world wide for remote one-on-one sessions and events.- Des Moines, IA
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