Angela Miaoulis

Angela Miaoulis,
New Jersey

Valentine’s Day 2005, I received the 1001 Orientation Profile.  Currently, still stands as the most ‘loyal’ gift I’ve given myself.  After that day, my life would never be the same; my life would become an adventure of love, self-awareness, freedom, and clarity and most of all living my ‘truth’.

Shortly after receiving my first profile, I became involved in group work.  I continued group work consistently for seven years, going through all the facets, taking only short breaks in between.  I was moving at the speed of light, and time did not exist. My life was filled with deep purpose! I had wisdom to share and tools to utilize, as I navigated with “eyes wide open”!  I also met spiritual brothers and sisters who have become the dearest of friends to me.  I am grateful.

The connection with my inner guidance transcends me to ‘sweet reveries’ each day.